50 Years Anniversary as performing artist (1969-2019)
50 Years Anniversary as performing artist (1969-2019)
Evening Song:
- Liner Notes
Jag etter vind:
- Liner Notes
- Liner Notes
Ketil Bjørnstad 2023:
- Kontekst portrait by Brand Barstein
Sanger ved Havets begynnelse:
- Cover
- Liner Notes
The Seventies:
- Booklet
New Morning:
- Liner Notes
Between hotels and Time:
- Liner Notes
70 years. Solo Piano Tour 2022:
- New album
The Personal Gallery/Guro Kleven Hagen:
- Liner Notes
- Anniversary recordings 2019
La Notte:
- ECM-info
Night Song:
- Liner Notes ECM
Early Piano Music:
- Press Release
- ECM-Info
- Liner Notes
The Light:
- ECM Interview
- Liner Notes
- Ketil Bjørnstad
Life in Leipzig:
- Life in Leipzig
- "Devotions" by Stuart Nicholsen
- "Rainbow Sessions" Liner Notes
- "Floating" Liner Notes
- Biography
- Ketil Bjørnstad
ECM Records:
- Bjørnstad/Darling/Rypdal/Christensen - TheSea
- Ketil Bjørnstad/David Darling-The River
- Press Reaction
- Background Information
"Ketil Bjørnstad's quartet brought to mind the words of the Scandinavian artist Asger Jorn: 'Nordic art is dangerous, it compresses all its power inside ourselves."
Stuart Nicholson, The Observer
Ketil Bjørnstad has followed a distinctive creative course from classical piano prodigy to jazz pianist and sui generis composer, while not forgetting his success as a poet, lyricist and novelist. They are attributes that puts one in mind of a latter-day Leonard Cohen … listening of the deepest, most thought-provoking kind.”
Richard Whitehouse, Gramophone